Our Cancellation Policy - Tamas Pure Ayurveda

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Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

Customer cancellation

The customer can cancel the order for the product directly by logging in Tamas Pure Ayurveda account till we ship it. Orders once shipped cannot be cancelled.

After shipping if a customer still don't need the product he/she may refuse to accept it from the courier partner and we will initiate a refund after the product is received by us.

Other cancellations

Tamas Pure Ayurveda also reserves the right to cancel any orders that our courier partners are unable to accept and service due to certain reasons.

Some other situations that may result in your order being cancelled include:

  • Non-availability of the product ordered by you
  • Errors in pricing information specified by our partners (sellers)
  • Non-availability of the quantities ordered by you
  • Any other reason beyond the control of Tamas Pure Ayurveda